
管理软件, 打印机, Security on My Computer

How Do I Install Software Onsite or Remotely on my 大学发放笔记本电脑?

For all computers imaged by IT or a local academic technology department, you can install approved software without administrative rights by going into the software center.

Software Installation Instructions for Windows 10 (第5 - 8页).

Software Installation Instructions for Mac OS X (Document under revisement)

What if the Software Is not Listed on the Software Center?

If the software is not listed and you have a license and download for the software, please contact the IT服务台 or local academic technology department to help you install it remotely.

How Do I Install my Home Printer on my 大学-owned Laptop?

We have preloaded a number of the most commonly used printers into the operating system. Please try to install the printer and if you have an issue, contact the IT服务台 or your College or School’s technology team.

What if my Browser Requires Updates on my Personal (non-MSU Managed) Computer?

We recommend only updating your browser from the vendor and not any 3rd party sites as these sites could prove to be a security risk. Please click on the browser name below to find out how to perform the update.

谷歌Chrome | 微软的优势 | 微软Internet Explorer浏览器 | Mozilla Firefox | Safari

Is there an Instant Messaging Option for Faculty/Staff?

Faculty and advisors can use the Slack instant messaging application to send short communications to other Slack users. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 has created a Slack “Workspace” that can be used by faculty and advisors to communicate with coworkers as well as students. 你可以加入十大博彩推荐排名州.松弛.com工作空间.

请注意: Slack可以通过网络浏览器访问, smartphone, 或者桌面应用程序, making it extremely convenient to use no matter what device you are on.

您可以使用其他选项(例如.g. Skype),如果你有的话, but the 大学 is currently not funding licenses for, 也不支持, 其他产品.

What Do I Need to Watch Out for from an IT Security Perspective?

With the increased use of remote access during this emergency period, it is important to remain mindful of ways to minimize the risk to 大学 and personal information. Here are some tips for safer remote computing:

  1. 如果你有学校发放的笔记本电脑, please use it for all of your work-related needs to take advantage of the built-in security features.
  2. Avoid sharing your 大学 laptop with others (family, children, 等.) and of course, never share your NetID password with anyone.
  3. If you must use your personal computer for work-related needs, please consider the following:
    • Make sure your computer is up-to-date with all system patches and bug fixes.
    • Always use antivirus software and check that it is running and actively updating. If you do not have anti-virus software, you can download Sophos Antivirus by logging into the MSU软件存储库.
    • Do not use your NetID password as the login to your personal computer. This can help to protect your NetID account if your personal computer is compromised by malware or other security issues.
    • Be very cautious when connecting to wireless networks off-campus in public spaces such as restaurants, 机场, 等. These wireless networks are often not using secure connection methods.
  4. When reading email, be extra vigilant in regards to possible phishing scam messages. This is especially important during emergency situations as scammers may try to take advantage of the added stress and anxiety that people may be experiencing.
    • Do not click links or download files attached to an email that you are not expecting or from someone you do not recognize. Attempt to contact them directly first if you are unsure.
    • You can move your cursor over a URL/link and check that the resulting link displayed (usually in the bottom bar of your browser or email client) does not appear suspicious.
    • Continue to be aware of “social engineering” attacks such as someone posing as a colleague or manager and asking you (often with a sense of urgency) to provide information or perform uncommon tasks (“Please purchase four gift cards and send them to this address.”)